Legal notice

General conditions of us of this website

Dharma Soriano informs you that both the access and use of the website with domain and all URLs, and subdomains included under it, as well as the contents that can be obtained through this website, are subject to these terms and conditions of use, without prejudice to the fact that access to any of said services or contents may require the acceptance of other general conditions, private or additional.

Therefore, if you do not agree with the content of these terms and conditions, we urge you not to use this website, since the use of it, its contents or services, will in any case imply acceptance of the legal terms indicated here.

Dharma Soriano reserves, without prior notice and at any time, the right to suspend, deny or temporarily or permanently restrict access to this website and / or its contents, as well as to carry out and make modifications. What It considers appropriate or necessary, without all this implying a right to compensation for the user.

Responsibility of the user for the use of this website

The user will be solely responsible for the correct use of this website, committing to make use of it in accordance with the terms and conditions indicated in this Legal Notice.

The user undertakes to use the website, as well as the contents and services offered or provided by it, in accordance with the Law, morality, good customs and public order.

In the same way, the user undertakes not to use the website or the services provided through it, for illicit purposes or contrary to the content of these general terms and conditions.

In particular, the user may not perform in any case, the following activities:

Use this website to promote, sell, or contract, information or own services or those of third parties, without prior consent or authorization.

Disseminate content of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, or that promotes the commission of infractions or criminal acts, that directly or indirectly incite the apology of terrorism, or that are contrary to fundamental rights and freedoms.

Cause damage to the computer systems owned by Dharma Soriano or introduce or spread computer viruses, harmful software or other systems that may cause damage to computer systems, as well as unauthorized alterations of the contents available on this website.

Perform or carry out acts that are contrary to the Intellectual and / or Industrial Property rights of their legitimate owners.

Include, without authorization from Dharma Soriano, trademarks, logos, trade names or any other distinctive signs that are owned by Dharma Soriano, on pages or websites under the responsibility of the user or third parties who are not authorized to do so.

The user will be liable to Dharma Soriano, or to third parties, for any damages of any kind or nature, which may be caused because of direct or indirect breach of these general terms and conditions.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Through these general terms and conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred over this website, or over Any of its component elements or content, being expressly prohibited the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, or total or partial reuse, of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the contents of this website for their exclusive personal and private use in their computer systems (software and hardware), if it is not for the purpose of developing activities of a commercial and / or professional nature.

Likewise, the user must refrain from obtaining the contents of said website by means or procedures other than those indicated for that purpose in each case, or those normally used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not pose or imply a risk of damage or disablement of this website).

Social networks

Dharma Soriano has or could have open profiles on the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.). Dharma Soriano will be considered responsible for the processing of personal data of users of its social networks and / or followers held in them. The treatment that Dharma Soriano will carry out on said data will be the one that the social network allows to the business profiles within its policies of use and privacy.

Thus, Dharma Soriano will be able to inform its followers by any means that the social network allows about its activities, new products, events, and events, as well as about offers and all kinds of services.

Dharma Soriano will not extract data from social networks unless such obtaining them is done in a timely manner and mediating the prior informed consent of the users.

Links, hyperlinks or links

Dharma Soriano is not responsible for websites that are not its own or that do not result from its ownership, which can be accessed through links, or for any content made available to users by third parties.

Any use of a link or access to a website that is not its own is made at the exclusive risk of the user and Dharma Soriano does not guarantee in any case the security and legality of the information obtained through a link outside Dharma Soriano, nor is it responsible for any loss, claim or damage derived. the use or incorrect use of a link, or the information obtained through it, as well as the interruption in the service when accessing the information of other websites.

Warranties and disclaimer

Dharma Soriano declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the correct and proper functioning of this website, and avoid transmission of computer viruses and other harmful components to users.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Dharma Soriano does not assume in any case any responsibility in the event of an erroneous operation of the services offered on the Internet or the malfunction or falls of the network, which could affect access and navigation through this website, regardless of the cause that motivates such failures.

If the user becomes aware at any time of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to law, morality or good customs, or that could involve an infringement of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, he must immediately notify Dharma Soriano so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate neutralization and security measures.

Likewise, Dharma Soriano will not be responsible for the fraudulent or culpable actions of the user, or that have their origin in causes of force majeure and any others that are beyond the control of Dharma Soriano, nor for attacks by the so-called "hackers" provided that Dharma Soriano has adopted all existing security measures according to its technical possibilities.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

In case of dispute or conflict of interpretation, the terms and conditions of use that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to the services offered through this website will be governed by Spanish Law.

For the resolution of disputes that may arise in relation to the use of this website, the parties agree to submit the resolution of conflicts to the commercial courts and tribunals that correspond territorially in accordance with the domicile of Dharma Soriano indicated in this Legal Notice.

Ownership of the website

By virtue of this Legal Notice and in compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, "LSSI"), you are informed that the owner of this website with domain is:

Identification of the owner of the website: Dharma Soriano
NIF: 52595250T
Address/Registered office: Masía Mas Gras, Callús
Postal code and town: 08262 – Barcelona
Email address: